To: Newsroom
For Immediate Release
Contact: Brian A. Crawford, Public
Information Officer
Phone: 673-6652, cell: 455-2609,
page: 675-2137
Station Alerting System Gets Much Needed Upgrade
With the recent activation of the
new Fire Station Alerting System, the Shreveport Fire Department moved another
step forward in its use of modern communications technology.
The process
involved installing 800MHz radios at each of the city's 21 fire stations, which
now provides a direct link between the 911 dispatch center and each station.
Previously, the Fire Station Alerting System had relied upon telephone lines and
radio frequencies to transmit dispatch information to tone/voice "pagers" which
were installed at each of the fire stations. Supporting this old system was a
1960's era radio transmitter.
The new upgrade
means that the fire station "alerting" function, which actually lets the
firefighters know of an emergency, is now supported by the new 800 MHz radio
system, and the need to incorporate the use of tone/voice pagers has been
eliminated. The new system provides firefighters a more direct, faster and more
reliable connection in delivering vital information such as the type of
emergency, i.e., fire, medical call, hazardous material spill, etc., and the
address of the incident. ###